Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scared, Frustrated, Lazy – Focus on the SMALL Picture

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Tigger-scared_blue I am scared, frustrated, lazy. I have no job, no cash flow, and no confidence in my ability to build my own business. While I have no dearth of ideas, achieving / building my own company to the place where it would match my idea / conception would take years!


What I need to do, I think, is focus on the SMALL picture, i.e. the first step, the first cashflow, the first client / customer. I have never built a business completely on my own and I need the confidence of some cash in the door before I can scale up and build the big businesses I want to.

Don’t worry though, just because I feel like *$%@ it doesn’t mean I’ll go back to the corporate!


  1. In these economic times (btw, my favorite saying nowadays), focusing on the SMALL picture is exactly right. Go get that first customer, that first deal, that first bundle of cash (I was going to say first dollar or rupee, but that sounded so meager!). In fact, many successful VCs are giving exactly this advice to their recently-funded portfolio companies - so, you are in good company!

    Good luck and don't give up!

  2. From personal experience of doing business in India. Concieve the idea, set up and run it. 3 completely different things.
