Forgive me, I have been trying to send out an email to everyone outside of NSR informing them of my new contact info but unfortunately the NSR server won’t let me send out so many emails at once. More importantly (for me) stupid Facebook won’t let me export the email addresses or at least send a mass fb message to all my friends. What a pain. Regardless below is the email I sent to NSR – I believe it has the right touch of humor and good will to maintain my bridges with them going forward. Look for an email from me with my new contacts as soon as I figure out a solution.
Dear All,
As my tenure at NSR comes to an end I have had the chance to reflect on the my past 2 years here; I am proud of the firm and how much progress we have made. I remember my initial few months with the firm in early 2007 when we had offices in the Hilton towers and were doing everything from looking for deals to designing offices (and in my case, buying the coffee machine – thank you very much!). Since then we have made significant progress in becoming a world-class private equity firm and have some of the smartest investing professionals in India. We have also established some great investment screening and monitoring processes (which we always strive to improve). Most importantly, we have developed great personal and professional relationships with all of our colleagues (from Mumbai to NYC to Dubai; from founding partners to Assistants).
I think I am a better person for having worked with you all both because I grew my professional skill set and because I have made some great friends. I will really miss this place and I hope that I get the chance to work together again with some of you in the future (I envision a future where I can boss Harsha and Nithin around!).
It is unclear what my plans are for the future but I intend to do a little bit of “soul searching” and obviously have some fun (re: bridge classes!) before I figure out what the next step is. Importantly, I plan to remain in India where I feel the maximum amount of opportunity lies.
I plan to keep in touch with all of you and insist that you be nice when I call you to ask for advice, introductions or most importantly cash!
congrats buddy. Onwards and upwards!