Monday, March 30, 2009

Summer Camp has Begun – Maintaining the schedule without committing to another person is tough!

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image Instead of diving right into a new venture (although I am thinking about what to do constantly) I have set up a “summer camp” of sorts for myself for the next month.  The PLAN (and i stress plan for reasons I will explain below) is as follows:

- Conversational Hindi classes – three times a week for one hour

- Yoga classes – twice a week in the morning for one hour

- Cooking classes – 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours

- Sailing classes – 2 times a week for 2-3 hours

- Bridge classes – 3 times a week for 1 hour


Only the Hindi and Yoga classes are actually paid for, fully scheduled classes.  Cooking “class” is with our home cook, sailing classes is regular sailing with a “tindel” on-board who does not speak a work of English and bridge classes are, as of now, non-existent (though I am spending time reading and learning online).  It has not been for a lack of trying though!


I am afraid that without having a set, committed, schedule with a teacher that i have paid for, it will be tough to maintain my motivation.  Having that monetary pressure plus feeling of responsibility to another person makes it more likely that I will learn.  Take bridge, for example – I started by scheduling an hour of time for myself at home.  First lesson was easy but with all the distractions I have on my computer it is easy to slip. 


If any of you have any other ideas of how to keep myself motivated please do let me know!


  1. Hi Azeem, the way you are going about it is good, going for lessons and keeping a schedule is key...this is the time to do things that you always wanted to do but couldnt due to time constraints. You are a bird right now flapping in the wind, trying to learn how to fly solo. It is difficult without structure but its through this that ideas, people and events come across your way that will lead you to a more interesting place. When you take the first step out into the unknown trusting the universe, it always meets you half way. When I left my previous company, i threw myself into a two day property certification course...through that I met interesting potential business opportunities which I never would have done sitting 9-6 in an office. I then decided to do something fun, like a make up course sponsored by MAC - here again I met interesting people who inspired me further. Then through word of mouth, I was able to meet you guys by helping Faten at the event at NSR Dubai...again opportunities which I would never have encountered if I were back at the company and doing those 9-6 hours. I rested for a week...well kind of socialised a little harder than I should have..but I needed to get that out of my system, here again met good potential business opportunities. So my advise to you is; if there are any exhibitions/conferences that may be of interest to you attend them, if you really like doing something try and find any classes or courses that support those....keep going to groups or events that enable you to network with other people who are on the same wavelength of you. Like The Secret says, what you think and feel you attract. Like attracts Like...the universe will always send you what you think and feel most.
    My idea is for you to watch The Secret, sign up for courses, go to exhibition shows, attend conferences, and trust that the universe will deliver something phenominal through all of these.
    One more important thing for you to do is to render your services to a charity, because its in giving that we receive.
    Ciao, Lidia.

  2. Thanks Lidia! I promise i'll read the book. It's coming to me soon!
